| The text ‘the virus is now a word’ was attached to a drug resistant gene inside Escherichia Coli cells and transfered to a hostile environment [agar with antibiotics]. If the organism thrived in such environment then the experiment was positive (white dots = bacteria colonies) meaning the text was “alive” inside the organism |

| Text to Binary to DNA code translator. Made with Python 3 |

| Synthetic DNA with encripted text | Acrylic, Synthetic DNA, Escherichia Coli, Klenow enzyme, Agar and Python 3 | Transformation process

[5’ GGT 3’]| Research project that constitutes a series of experimental artefacts that speculate the act of renaming genetics as literature by implementing linguistic rules and computational arts to living organisms. This set of in-vitro inspired fictions focus on the ‘otherness’ of the microbiome that constitutes us; becoming a subversive seed for new [biotech] futures. | [5’ In-vitro artefacts 3’] ‘The virus is now a word’ is a text that goes through experimental rounds: translated, encoded synthetically, embedded in-vitro and sequenced again to confirm the text is complete and ‘alive’ inside the organism. Extract from the Helix sculpture, inspired by William S. Burroughs.* |In collaboration with Dr Leslie Mitchell

“In the future, a new generation of artists will be writing genomes the way Blake and Byron wrote verses” Freeman Dyson.

Genetically Generated Texts [5’ GGT 3’] has three well-defined threads: The first follows biological dogmas to create proteins and creates a similar language-based structure using python 3. The second creates experimental artefacts [visual sculptures] that speculate the effects of linguistic rules on living organisms and explore the possible aesthetics behind such a symbiotic relationship. The third takes place in the laboratory; where the original text-based fiction goes through experimental rounds, where it is encoded synthetically, embedded in-vitro and sequenced again to confirm the text.
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